FRANKFURT -- The world market for medical electronics will grow 6% in 2017 and 2018, respectively, a new forecast asserts.

Americas and Asia will outpace the market at large, added ZVEI, the German electronics trade association. The organization issued its forecast at the MT-CONNECT trade show in Nuremberg. 

"Regional development is different but positive. For Germany, the ZVEI is expecting a growth of 5% in this and the following year," says Hans-Peter Bursig, managing director of the ZVEI-Fachverband Elektromedizinische Technik. "For America and Asia, the figure is 7% in 2017 and 8% in 2018, respectively. This development is expected to continue - the demographic trend is increasing the demand for health care services worldwide."

Despite the positive economic outlook, however, ZVEI believes that the sector faces several challenges. Manufacturers must, on the one hand, maintain the high speed of innovation in order to secure their international competitiveness. On the other hand, technological developments such as digitalization are fundamental to medical technology.

"Platforms for discussion on how digitalization of health care can be implemented are therefore gaining in importance," says Bursig. "Small- and medium-sized enterprises in the industry, which make up the majority of companies in Germany, especially need this exchange."

Digitization also increases awareness of the cybersafety of medical devices. The manufacturers of medical technology react to this and improve the safety of the devices. "To ensure IT security in the healthcare system, however, it is crucial that all those involved in the care process - patients, doctors, operators, industry - work closely together on this topic," says Bursig.


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