COLUMBUS, OH -- The Defense Logistics Agency reaffirmed DNA marking will continue to be an integral part of its program to deter and detect counterfeit microcircuits in Federal Supply Class (FSC) 5962.

In a memo issued last week, the agency also announced that effective Dec. 15 it will no longer issue solicitations requiring suppliers to provide DNA marked FSC 5962 microcircuits.

Instead, DLA's Electronics Test Laboratory in Columbus will DNA mark all FSC 5962 microcircuits.

The change, DLA said, will create a centralized, streamlined DNA marking process within DLA, reduce the overall cost of the marking initiative, and will ensure maximum participation of DoD suppliers in supplying FSC 5962 microcircuits. DLA will also no longer reimburse suppliers the cost for new licensing and other costs associated with DNA marking.

DLA will work with Applied DNA Sciences to extend supplier li censes as necessary to allow for delivery of contracts awarded prior to Dec. 15. DLA will reimburse suppliers for additional ink and QA testing of the DNA mark to support marking requirements for contracts awarded prior to that date.

As part of the transition, suppliers will be required to provide DLA traceability documentation to the original component manufacturer for every contract award and purchase order.

When traceability documentation is not available, a supplier must be qualified under DLA's Qualified Testing Suppliers' List (QTSL) to be competitive for a DLA contract award or purchase request.

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