NORMAN, OK -- Hitachi Computer Products America is exiting the electronics manufacturing services business, CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY has learned.

The division plans to switch to building storage hardware products, a company executive told CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY. Also, the company plans to relocate its distribution operations to Norman, OK, from elsewhere in the US.

According to vice president of informational technology and human resources Gary Riggs, Hitachi began informing customers "a couple months ago" that it would cease that business as of the end of March. The company will instead build storage hardware products for its parent company, Riggs said.

One of the world's largest OEM-owned EMS companies, Hitachi's EMS unit had sales of $535 million in 2008, according to the CIRCUITS ASSEMBLY Top 50. Because the site was a major producer of computer and storage products, it is likely sales were down substantially in 2009.

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