San Diego — February 2020 — KIC announced that Miles Moreau, General Manager, EMEA, South America and Australia, received a Special Recognition Award during the IPC APEX EXPO. The award was presented to Moreau during the IPC-Hermes committee meeting on Monday, Feb. 3, 2020.

Moreau accepted the award in recognition of his outstanding contributions towards the development of the IPC-HERMES-9852 standard. HERMES is a machine-to-machine communication standard used in the SMT assembly industry.

IPC-HERMES-9852 is a successor to the SMEMA standard, introducing improvements such as: simpler physical wiring (Ethernet), use of popular data transmission formats (TCP/IP and XML), reduced number of barcode scanners (required only once at the beginning of the line), transmission of board data (such as barcodes and dimensions) to downstream machines.

Moreau is now managing sales and support operations across 4 continents for KIC: Europe, Africa, South America, and Australia. He has been with KIC for more than 25 years with roles as service manager, overseas assignment opening KIC’s first European office, R&D project manager, and global product manager.

Given his decades of electronics and semiconductor manufacturing industry experience and expertise in thermal process, Moreau has played a critical role in defining KIC’s product roadmap and what products and solutions are brought to market. Moreau holds numerous US and international patents through his work at KIC.

IPC-HERMES-9852, version 1.2 provides a digital replacement for the SMEMA interface and extends the interface to communicate such things as unique identifiers for handled printed boards, equipment identifiers, barcodes, conveyor speed and specific information about the product type. For more information about the IPC-HERMES-9852 standard, visit

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